List of all coincidences , intended or accidental, that followed through before and since 1933 i.e. the first "Superman" story Reign of the Super-man was published (and also year when thought about "good" Superman character crossed Jerry Siegel's mind).
1914 - George Reeves(Keefer Brewer) was born January 5. Joseph "Joe" Shuster was born in July 10th. Jerome "Jerry" Siegel was born in October 17.
1917 - A Princess of Mars novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs was released, feauturing man from Earth John Carter gaining super strenght on Mars due to it's lower gravity. Inspiring in the future Jerome Siegel who will even use Joe Carter as one of his pen names.
1930 - Phillip Wylie's Gladiator novel was released in which main character Hugo Danner had bulletproof skin, could jump proportionate to grass-hopper and and lift heavy objects proportionate to an ant due to his scientist father's experiment on his own wife while she was pregnant and who dies giving birth to Hugo. Novel also greatly inspired Siegel up to the point of printing similar explanation for Superman's powers in Action Comics #1 by comparing him with insects with human-sized proportions.
In the same year Molding a Mighty Chest by George F. Jowett was released which inspired last image in Action Comics #1 as well as bakc cover of Superman #1 (which inspired color scheme for Fleischer Superman chest logo). George as a strongman also wore similar footwear which Superman will wear in the first issue of Action Comics #1 and in it's leftover parts in Superman #1.
Gladiator as well as Siegel's vision of heroic Superman were inspired by Hercules and Samson (in All-Star Superman Kal-El will arm wrestle and win against descendant of Samson).
1931 - Golden Bat a Japanese superhero (and The first ever costumed superhero with super abilities in the world) was created by Tekeo Nagamatsu and Suzuki Ichiro. Also known Phantaman or Fantomas originated in an Atlantis (just like mothers of Namor and Aquaman) 10,000 years ago (compared to 1931) but was sent forward in time (similar to second and third version of "good" Superman, as well as Red Son version, except they were sent back in time, also similar to Captain America's origin ever since his reintroduction into Marvel Comics in Avengers #4) to battle evil forces threatening the present day (similarly to how Wonder Woman was sent to protect the world outside of her island). He has a golden skull-shaped head (Brainiac during 70's make over gained Brainiac's Skull Ship which influenced skull aesthetic for Superman Lives! which in turn influenced Man of Steel (film) skull containing genetic codex of Krypton which Jor-El later one will imprint into his son, also Metallo II as well as it's Secret Origin amalgam version of brothers had skull-shaped helmet bestowed to him by an organization SKULL which turned him into a cyborg), wears a green and white swashbuckler outfit with a high -collared bat-like (similar to Earth-2 version of adult Robin) red cape (similar to John Carter before him and to Doctor Occult, Superman), and carries a rapier. He lives in a fortress in the Japanese Alps (similar to Superman's Fortress of Solitude). His superpowers include superhuman strength, invulnerability, and the ability to fly similar to finalized Superman's abilities. He also had sword (similar to John Carter before and to Dr.Occult later on).
1932 - Jerome Siegel's dad Michael Siegel (Mikhel Iankel Segalovich, Litvak( short for Lithuanian Jewish) Russian Empire immigrant) died in June, from heart attack following armed robbery of his store. In Adventures of Superman (TV) Eben Kent, adoptive father or Clark Kent, dies of the heart attack in this version mother is named Sarah, just like Siegel's Americanized mother (originally she was Sora Meita Khaikels).
In the same year Savage Gentleman by Philip Wylie was released.
1933 - Written in 1932 first ever "Superman" story The Reign of the Super-man by Jerome Siegel comes out with additional illustrations by Joe Shuster (son of Dutch and Ukrainian Jewish immigrants from Russian Empire Julius Shuster (originally Shusterowich) and Ida (Katharske) ) , who will in the end create much more familiar Superman released in 1938 in Action Comics #1. Story is about man Bill Dunn who is tricked by evil rich scientist professor Smalley into eating food containing meteorite fragments that came from "Dark Planet". Exposure to meteorite (similarly to Alan Moore's Supreme) gave that man super abilities of the mind (similarly to Tangent Comics Superman) such as ability to see everything even in some far distant planets, predict future, read people's minds as well as making them obey his will, also he could absorb any information that was ever produced and could reach for the knowledge through time (similarly to Doctor Manhattan), making him Superman. Effects of that meteor were temporary and soon Bill became normal man again, while story continues from perspective of a journalist. At some point he plans to pit world's armies against each other untile their total ahnihilation (similar to Sebastian Shaw's plan in X-Men First Class movie). Bill's and Pofessor Smiley's traits will later be recreated in Ultra-Humanite as well as in Luthor. Interestingly in the 1983 interview for Nemo #2 magazine Joe Shuster mentions that Bill Dunn actually resembles Telly Savalas, American Greek actor from such films as Kojak and On Her Majesty's Secret Service (worth mentioning that Siegel and Shuster were making comics about spies long before Ian Fleming's Casino Royale first came out) version of Blofield decades after "Reign" came out, later on Superman: The Animated Series will use Telly's likeness as prototype for their version of Lex Luthor, Telly was also supposed to have cameo in Superman: The Movie upon initial pre-production and script before Richard Donner came on board as a director). Also in the future meteorite fragment from Superman's home planet will weaken him (but in unreleased Siegel's version as well as in Superman: Birthright will boost abilities of powerless men/Humans).
In the same year Siegel conceived premise fo the first "good" Superman titled The Superman, in the first version it was also supposed to be a normal man that was put through experiements against his will (similar to Marvel Comics' Luke Cage as well as Rob Liefeld's Supreme and also Captain America although later was test subject voluntarily) which made him physically strong as well as made his skin bulletproof (similar to Last Son of Earth). The Reign of the Super-Man depicted titular character having his abilities drive him mad at first when he discovers them, similar to how Man of Steel (film) portrayed 9 year old Clark noticing his super hearing and eyes abilities for the first time in his life on Earth.
In the same year an advertisement of Doc Savage (which on itself was inspired by Savage Gentleman of Philip Wylie) Magazine was released with "Superman" word on it. Doc Savage was also an inspiration for Siegel, later on Superman will have Fortress of Solitude since 1958 (originally per Siegel called Secret Citadel, in 1942, which was located near Metropolis instead of somewhere on the North Pole or Colorado) just like Doc Savage did have since 1938. Doc Savage also praticed form of brainwashing of criminals which will be recreated in Federal Men imaginary story style tale with future law enforcer Jor-L as well as in Superman #162 and Superman Red Son,
1934 - Second version of "The Superman" becomes a time traveling adventurer from the Earth in the far future escaping planet's collapse by putting himself in a time-machine and traveling back in time to the present (at the point of 1934) day where he meets men of the present who are much more physically weaker and vulnerable than he is, to his amusement. At that point there was no double identity concept for the character. During initial development of character Siegel was advised by an artist Leo O'Mealia (his work can be seen on Action Comics #2,3,4,5,6 (ironically because DC-National still did not believe in the popularity of Superman as a character) and #20 as well as on Superman #1 which he made after Joe Shuster drawing in McClure Newspaper Syndicate drawing in "War on Crime" in "Is Superman Late?" collumn) who he approached for initial drawaing of The Superman but never received any artwork in the end. O'Mealia recommended to add in a romantic interest for the Superman, also Leo recommended Siegel to protect his original vision, which was prophetic considering how little of it remains in today's mainstream Superman continuity due to Jerry leaving character for the army in 1942 at first and then leaving for quite sometime unitl 1960s after dispute with publisher following lawsuit.
Later in that year Jerome Siegel along with Russel Keaton made another version of the same premise, except instead of time-traveling adventurer it is now last man (from the "race of supermen") of Earth and scientist putting his toddler son into a device which transports him back in time (similar to Superman: Red Son) where the boy will also be physically superior to everyone and will grow up to become Superman. On in the present time (1935) boy was found by Sam and Molly Kents (in Yiddish Kent(/קענט) means friendly/familiar and is now part of Russian language through its spread from criminal elements in Oddessa in the end of XXI-beginning of XX century) who name him Clark (in geology Clarke number or clarke is the relative abundance of a chemical element, typically in Earth's crust) . After discovering child's abilities and reaction of other kids on them Sam decides to teach Clark to hid his powers in order to not scare people around him (which is similar to Superman #1 and Man of Steel (film)). At that point "Man of Tomorrow " was going to have literal meaning.
1935 - Doctor Occult (which inspired Doctor Fat, which inspired Doctor Strange which inspired John Constantine/Hellblazer, which inspired Hellboy) paranormal detective and de-facto one of the first ever superheroes and the first superhero of DC Comics gets released by Siegel and Shuster, under pseudonyms of Legar (Siegel) and Reuths (Shuster, who's pseudonyms was similar to the Routh, one of Superman's actors in the future). In one of the issues Doctor Occult was shown to be able to grow in size, become immaterial as well as to teleport (similarly to Doctor Manhattan). In 1936 Doctor Occult will have adventures in which he will wear red-cape, blue trunks , yellow triangular symbol (of "the Seven") on his chest , belt, and where he will fly, all predating 1938's version of Superman.
1936 - Joe Shuster's sketch of Superman in a "gym t-shirt". Also one of the first ever (if not the first) use of a word "super-hero". Despite many preveious cancellations (and many more) it also said to be "The Super-Strip of them All!". "The smash hit strip of 1936 Superman!" and "The greatest single event since birth of comic-strip". Superman on this sketch appear to be wearing a sleeveless shirt with triangular logo on his chest and cape, as well as ordinary pants instead of red trunks, similarly to "The Superman" few years before.
1937 - In one of the issues of Federal Men by Siegel and Shuster there was imaginary scenario (similarly to Imaginary Stories) predicting police of the future in which Jor-L (anagram of "Jerome Siegel") successfully captures criminals of the future into stasis (similarly to Silver Age Superman, New52 Earth-2 Superman and Judge Dredd) who will be later on reprogrammed using brainwashing techniques into good citizens (similarly to Superman #162 first Red and Blue story as well as similar to Red Son). Later on in Superman's story published in McClure Newspaper Syndicate Superman's father will be also named Jor-L.
In one of Dr. Occult stories there was vampire reanimating corpse with both figures standing in the dark with bat-like wings and with narrator naming one of them "Bat-Man" (which was also original name of future character that will debut in Detective Comics #27 in 1939. Also somewhere in time up until this point "Superman" was also meant to slouch on the rooftop a-la Batman and have bat-like cape (according to Siegel/Shuster interview in Nemo #2, 1983), which was referenced in Superman: American Alien when Clark tears cape from Batman and uses it as his own costume for some time.
1938 - First ever "good" Superman was officially released in Action Comics #1 with his origin only mentioning scientist that launched through hastly made rocket his infant son from a distant planet just before it's collapse, passing motorist that found newborn in the rocket and took him orphanage where he would grow up discovering his physical advantages over others (all similar to Superman (1940s cartoons) origin), taking some odd jobs (similarly to Man of Steel (film)) before becoming Superman, Champion of Oppressed. Superman's powers explained by people of his home planet having superior physicality in them, while also making parallels with real life insects and what their strenght would look like in human-sized proportions. In Action Comics #1 it is said that race of supermen develop titanic strenght when they reach maturity. At the point of maturity Superman's physical power limits are : faster than an express train, able to leap a 1/8 of a mile (201 meters) and hurdling over 20 story building, being able to lift an industrial steel beam with one hand or a 1930's car with two hands, being able to withstand anything less than a "bursting shell" as well as some explosions without any damage. X-ray vision and super-hearing (which were in a way a carried over from Bill Dunn's Superman from the "Reign", but in much more limited fashion until late 1940's) weren't established yet.
1939 - In McClure (just like Marc McClure actor of Jimmy Olsen, Superman The Movie/II/III/IV The Quest for Piece and Supergirl movie universe could be dubbed McClureverse using the logic of the only common actor-element between all of them) Newspaper Syndicate a thorough story about Jor-L , Lora and their newborn son Kal-L will be released. In this planet will be named "Krypton" for the first time in official publication, planet was populated by "race of supermen" super strong, super fast and durable against buildings of their own planet but vulnerable to each other (similarly to Viltrumites from Invincible comics series).
Later that year Superman #1 (first ever ongoing dedicated to one superhero character) was released with origin mostly being similar to Action Comics #1, with additions of the Kents, unnamed father and Mary Kent who found newborn baby in the rocket (instead of unnamed motorist) and at first took him to an orphanage, but later on decided to adopt him. Upon discovering boys powers father teaches him to hide the from others so that people won't be scared of Clark, while Mary tells him to use his powers when the time will be right to assist humanity. After they both die "off-screen" Clark Kent becomes Superman. For the first time in Superman comics lower gravity of Earth compared to Krypton was given as an explanation behind Superman's abilties (besides the fact that planet's inhabitans already had superior physical abilities), in Hebrew "Kal"(/Cal/קַל) means lightweight, which is what Kal-L/Clark/Superman is on Earth compared to Krypton where he was born, while L can be just residual from Jerome Siegel-Jor-L anagram, but also L or EL as it will be after Don Cameron version of orign (אֵל) can mean something that is either divine on itself or something/someone that came from Hebrew God, in Superman: The Movie Director Richard Donner directly compared young Kal-El/Clark found by Kents to Jesus Christ as well as to Hebrew God later on when referred by Perry White. Also in a way "Superman" (which at this point Clark was called that way by Editor of Daily Star first) at this point is not only a superhero name (which is for the first time was said not by Clark himself, but also name of the race of His people i.e. Supermen (even though at this point he most likely never heard of them and in the stories to come even referred to himself as "us, Earthlings" when he met God Apollo and an aliens from another dimension) which was residual idea from when Superman was meant to come from the Earth in the future, all of which coincide with how after The Adventures of Superman had full red and blue costume come from Krypton and which was somehow wrapped on Kal-L which grew from infant to an adult man during his flight, as well as with post-Bill Finger's Superman #53 idea where Kryptonians (some times during that era they were called "Kryptonites" like in William Woolfolk story "Three Supermen" in Superman #65 or even in Bill Finger's story in World's Finest #100, despite that "Kryptonite" as a name for radioactive rocks was already established before) such as Jor-El himself were wearing costumes with similar design (trunks over pants, capes, chest symbol) similar to design of Superman costume (which later on will be retroactively revealed to inspire other characters like Batman to have similar design) even though at the first time not Clark nor Jonathan and Martha later one didn't know anything about Krypton when Superman's costume was made by them, and then it became vice versa after Superman: The Movie made S-shield as Kryptonian symbol and with Superman: Birthright and Superman: Secret Origin included that idea into comic book canon his whole costume or at least the emblem that looked like an "S" (but wasn't) and with Man of Steel (film) making entire costume to come from Krypton and became the reason Clark was called Superman while at this point race of his people were called Kryptonians. Also in Superman #1 storyline which was an expanded Action Comics #1 storyline Superman saves person from being wrongly accused and lynched over murder of someone named Jack Kennedy, in real life John "Jack" F. Kennedy 35th President of the United States was killed in 1963 with many to this day believing official investigation to be false and his murderer to be falsely accused/set or him being just one of many perpetrators of crime, in comics Kennedy was one of the very few people who knew Superman's real identity as Clark Kent and he even helped Superman to fool Lois Lane in Action Comics #309 which came weeks after his assassination, but was written before that day.
In Action Comics #13 a bald (just like very first Siegel's Bill Dunn Superman) bound to wheelchair (just like Marvel Comics' Professor X) mad scientist and criminal mastermind (just like Luthor will be, who will debut in #23) Ultra-Humanite will make his debut. Later on, in other original issues by Siegel he will gain ability to transfer his mind (by having his assistant transplanting his brain into another person's body originally, but in the future comics telepathically) and control body of the other people (similar to Bill Dunn and also to Professor X) via his inventions, who received ground breaking genius intellect due to scientifict experiment (much like Superman of "Reign", as well as Tangent Comics' Superman). Ultra-Humanite was the first villain with machines and gadgets capable enough to, at least, knock out The Man of Steel. Ultra-Humanite stories are one of the earliest examples of holograms usage in science fiction, and Luthor (who was called Luthor Lux) in Mario Puzo's original script for Superman The Movie would frequently use holograms in order to escape and fool Superman.
1940 - Action Comics #23 becomes debut for the most iconic enemy of Superman ever since : Luthor. In the first appearance Luthor is said to possess some kind of hypnotic stare which doesn't affect all people (like Lois Lane, or bald henchman of Luthor, who at the time had redhair and was similar to henchman of Ultra-Humanite in Action Comics #14, which was referenced and "canonized" in Superman & Batman: Generations by John Byrne, who also made that Luthor into Lex Luthor, ie version of Luthor from Earth-1 who grew up in Smallville much like Clark Kent). Also in his debut Luthor is depicted as someone intentionally orchestrating war in a war torn nation for his own profit, something will be repeated in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In newspaper The Plain Dealer from 1932, the day after Michel Siegel's death there was a letter signed by an A.L. Luther, letter was condeming notion of vigilanties, some histories attribute that letter to inspire creation of Luthor, who later on (Earth-2/original version) even had full name as Alexei Luthor ,thought not granted by Siegel, but "Lex" first name Was made during Siegel's return to Superman comics in the 60's. Luthor stories were one of the first instances in science fiction depicting communication through projecting of one's (Luthor's) face upon the surface. In Russian language Lyutyy(/Лютый) means "fierce/evil". In Superman #4 one of Luthor's bases was located in Satan's Canyon , in Christian mythology Satan was fallen angel with redhair. In Superman #5 It is revealed that Superman made his costume out of indestructible materials that he invented himself (making him one of the first superheroes ever creating his own costume by himself, similarly to The Phantom, Batman, Iron Man and Spider-Man), in the same issue it is shown that Clark can drastically change his face, his hair color and even can grow and then as easily remove his natural mustashe (in a way predicting uncanny Justice League (film) situation) simply by willing to do so, later on in (Siegel's written portion of) Superman #45 he is able to completely shape shift his entire body along with the costume somehow, making Superman to be one of the first shapeshifters-superheroes in the history. Superman 5 is also one of the first ever sights (at that point only in sci-fi and comics, and maybe in experimental scientific fascilities) of telecommunication between two individuals where each other can see and talk face to face in real time over some great distance through a signal, it is one of the first issues where Luthor scheming an economic crime involving artificial manipulation of stocks in the market.
The Adventures of Superman (radio) first episodes get released (but script for origin story was already finished and recorded for audition in 1939), in which Jor-L and Lora send their son Kal-L to the planet Earth. It is first time when they acknowledge before hand that people of Earth are much weaker than they are, and first time specific reason for choosing Earth was stated as it is only planet that Jor-L could find with right athmosphere for their son to be able to breathe and live within. They place their newborn son into the rocket when as he reaches the Earth he is coming out of it as an already fully grown man (similar to some versions of Supreme who traveled to alternative version of Earth that never knew someone like him) with red and blue costume with cape and with shield emblem on his chest, it is first time when Superman's costume came from Krypton instead of something that was made by Superman himself as was previously stated in Superman #5, although there was no mention of "S" being on that chest emblem when he just arrived. This is first time where Superman not only flies by manuevering during long and high jumps, but when he is defies gravity altogether and can hover, which wasn't the case in the comics even after flight ability was distinctly acknowledged since 1961's Superman #146 origin. In the radio show Superman is voiced by Bud Collyer who became the definitive Superman in voice actor in all non-live action media, up until his death in September 8 , 1969.
In the same year Siegel proposed to DC Comics a story called "K-Metal from Planet Krypton". Within it he would give additional explanation behind supermen abilites besides lower gravity of Earth, being that planet Krypton itself was galvanizing its people with power (similarly to officially released Superman #170 "If Lex Luthor Were Superman's Father!" a 1964 released story also credited to Jerry Siegel in which Jor-El got charged with super powers by strange artifact of an ancient Krypton which only had temporary affect but allowed father of Superman to not drown or crushed by Kryptonian deep), but after Kal-L traveled to Earth Krypton's fragments started acting in the opposite way making him powerless normal man while making people of Earth super strong like him (similar to Superman: Birthright and Superman ⁄ Batman: Public Enemies , but much less subtle). Also it would be first official non-dream storyline in which Superman would reveal his secret identity to Lois Lane. In the future concepts from that story will become kryptonite, a radioactive fragments from Krypton which mostly will only affect Superman and other Kryptonians (and in some versions only when they are yellow sun charged like in Action Comics #369 by Otto Binder), and in The Man of Steel (1986 mini-series) it will be made into plague (similar to Virus X as seen in Superman #66 and #156 ) that already affected kryptonians (killing lots of them) even back on their home planet when they weren't charged with yellow sun energy, and would give humans cancer poisoning upon prolonged exposure.
In the same year Siegel and Bernard Baily co-created superhero Spectre which debuted in More Fun Comics #52. Detective Jim Corrigan who's spirit was ressurected by the Voice (metaphor for multitude of God) to battle crime. He could phase through walls, flying by completely levitating in the air (unlike Superman in Siegel's comics later on who was flying in constant motion forcing his momentum), could turn people dead or revive them, could multiply himself (just like Dr. Manhattan will in the future), could read minds and manipulate them and other seemingly endless arsenal of abilities like size changing (similarly to Dr. Occult few years before) and travel through telephone lines in small size (ability which will famously demonstrated Ray Palmer's version of the Atom). Was one of the first superheroes to be in a costume completely covering body including eyes and mouth.
1941 - Superman #10 contains one of the first time ever in comics where Superman appears to fly, as well as first time when Luthor is bald, in Superman #11 he is flying again. In Action Comics #42 Luthor operated from a base that was floating in the sky, just like, for example, in 2013 released video game Bioshock Infinite, also same issue featured one of the first stories where Superman was hypnotized by a villain to do his bidding. At this point in the Siegel's written comics Superman can move so fast to grab his civillian's clothes in the next room and dress up as Clark Kent, that Lois and Luthor ,standing in the same room as Superman, wouldn't suspect nor notice his departure and (re)appearance as of Clark Kent in a later moment.
1942 - In World's Finest Comics #6 Superman fights with villain Metalo (who's name and premise will inspire Metallo) Man of Metal also known as first super-villain to physically challenged the Man of Steel. He was dressed in a suit made of metal with red cloth cape (similar to Batman's costume from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Superman's costume in its triquel Master Race, as well as Steel) with jet-turbines (predating Marvel's Iron Man) that helped villain to simulate Superman's long jumps and tarnish superhero's reputation by making people mistake with a hero (a trope that will be similar to Marvel Comics' Mysterio as well as to Cyborg Superman, Harvest saga and Birthright).
Superman #19 was released, a thoroughly "imaginary story" issue and precusror of such stories written by J. Siegel. One story portrays Superman fighting villain Funnyface that controls reality itself because he is comic book creator (that looks very similar to Siegel) , in the 50s after losing court battle over Superman rights Siegel and Shuster would create Funnyman (clown themed superhero who used clown props to fight crime, with empathis of him being the first ever Jewish superhero), also in that story Lois Lane gets trapped in a white page (very similar to Doom Patrol moment in the years to come) . Another story portrays Superman being forced to reveal his secret identity to Lois, as well as one of the first stories where Lois gets killed in the end (partly as a result of misguided actions of Superman due to rage). Third story potrays Clark Kent and Lois Lane watching Paramount Pictures produced "Superman" cartoons with Clark being forced to disctract Lois every time his on-screen counter part switches between his costumes, it is also when Superman sees and says "Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster" names and notices how they somehow know everything about it "perhaps the are clairvoyant?", moment that is very similar to how Silver Age The Flash Barry Allen got superpowers after being struck by the lightning and falling unto chemicals while reading "Flash Comics" about Jay Garrick, or how in Flash #123 written by Gardner Fox Barry learns about Gardner Fox of his world who wrote "Flash Comics" he was a fan of.
1945 - In More Fun Comics #101 written by Don Cameron Jor-El, Lara and Kal-El received their historical renamings which will become their definitive and default names since then in all other versions and media. As well as for the first time ever people of Krypton were called Kryptonians and were portrayed as "normal" people on their own home planet, without anyone jumping to the balcony of their skyscrapers or racing mile after mile, or surviving building collapse without any injuries.
1947 - In In Superman #45 in "Human Sized Trophies" story by Jerry Siegel Superman calls himself "Earthling".
1948 - In first ever live action Superman (1948 serial) starring Kirk Alyn for the first time both Eben and Martha (first appearance of definitive naming) Kents are alive when Clark is fully grown to become Superman. Also for the first time when Kents (only Martha in this version) make Superman's costume from the durable blankets of the rocket they found the boy inside. Later on Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill (an actress who played Lois in this version, as well as in Adventures of Superman since Second Season) had a cameo in Superman The Movie as parents of Lois Lane (in the Pre-Crisis comics Lois' dad actually looked similar to aged Clark Kent). Also all the flight scenes in this version were done animated, which in a way predicted modern superhero filmmaking process, with only difference being that animation in the modern is drawn in computer software instead of being handrawn.
In the same year Superman #53 by Bill Finger (Batman's co-creator) was released. In which Kryptonians were once again portrayed physically powerless on their planet Krypton, but "unlike Earthlings" they possesed x-ray vision. First time when John (Pa) Kent dies afert Mary (Ma) Kent dies in any media, first time when on his deathbed he encourages his adoptive son Clark Kent to become Superman (which will be final moment for both of them up until The Man of Steel (1986 mini-series) reboot and in New 52 version of continuity). Sometimes
1949 - In Superman #61 story "Superman Returns to Krypton!" by Bill Finger a Kryptonite is introduced for the first time ever in (officially released) comics. In this story (green) Kryptonite is shown to make Superman not only powerless but also dizzy, in later Bill Finger's comics like World's Finest Comics #98 large Kryptonite exposure can paralyse him and its after-effect can render him powerless (not clear whether temporarily or permanent) while small doses like dust can render him temporarily powerless regardless of any ways to restore his powers. Also same story introduced concept of Superman becoming immaterial ghost while visiting Krypton in the past (before that in other Finger comics Superman was obstructed by invisible wall in the Earth's past if he tried to approach and tamper with objects that would cause paradox) which is contradicted later on in Superman #141 story (1960) "Superman's return to Krypton!" by Jerry Siegel in which Superman successfully interacts with all Kryptonians in the past including his own parents, while being unable to undo certain events , which he learned later in Superman #146 story also by Jerry Siegel in which universe was duplicated with all fixed points of history (like destruction of Krypton) presented in original timeline and in timeline where they were changed. Some writers would use Bill Finger's notion, like in "Superman Secret Years" 1985 story by Bob Rozakis where Clark as still Superboy (this story covered particular time frame when he changed his super-hero persona name to Superman) travels back into the past when Kents were still alive becoming immaterial phantom.
In McClure line of publications by the writer Alvin Schwartz and artist Wayne Boring Clark Kent married Lois Lane for the first time ever without it being a dream sequence, but unlike many other examples dream sequence/alternative reality or not Lois still did not know that Clark is Superman even after they married.
1951 - Superman and the Mole Men was released debuting George Reeves as Superman who will become definitive face of the character for many years and who's appearance will influence comic books as well. It was the first time when Superman was shown flying (very briefly) practically instead of just an animation, in fact it was combination of animation and practical approach, which is similar to how modern Superman films such as Superman Returns and especially Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, also in the very end Superman tells the man he just saved "..which is more than you deserve" which was also said in Batman v Superman.
1952 - First episode of Adventures of Superman (TV) is released once againg starring George Reeves (Zack Snyder's mother Marsha's second name was also Reeves) becoming definitive live action Superman up until Superman: The Movie starring Christopher Reeve ,who was born in September 25 1952 (and died when he was 52). In Adventures of Superman it was the first time when Eben (Pa) Kent died from heart attack and also when either of Kents died first, and in this version Ma Kent was called Sarah (just like Jerry Siegel's mother). In the future 52 will stand for the number of multiple Earths within DC Universe from 2000s and up until 2015. Also for the first time Jor-El and other people (they are still considered same as humans just more evolved) on Krypton are wearing costumes with design similar to Superman's i.e. trunks over pants, symbol on the chest and sometimes cape, this will be proxy reasoning of Superman's design as well as later on Batman's (because as a Flying Fox young Bruce Wayne met Superboy, which will have him become first Robin and then first Batman as a grown man, Superboy (of Earth-1) also inspired young Clark Kent (of Earth-2) by meeting him and training him with his powers, even though The New Aventures of Superboy #15 directly goes against chronology of super-powers that were shown since Action Comics #1 by original Earth-2 Superman). TV show was the first time when Superman was shown flying without ever using animation.
1958 - In the Action Comics #242 bottled city Kandor was introduced for the first time, which has similar sounding name to Bernard Kantore close friend of and known ghost writer for Jerry Siegel. In Red Son version of Superman story instead of Kryptonian city Kandor it was USSR's Stalingrad that was shrunk. In the same year following Adventures of Superman's star George Reeves' leave from the role Whitney Ellsworth tried to create spin-off The Adventures of Super-pup which would have it's protagonist work as a Bark Bent in Daily Bugle, years later Marvel's Spider-Man will debut in 1962 and will serve as a working place for Peter Parker as a civilian.
1959 - George Reeves was found dead from a gunshot in June 16, while official version being suicide some people suggest that an actor was in fact killed by someone else. In The Guardians of Justice (2022, Netflix) show local Superman parody Marvelous Man commits suicide (later revealed to be an orchestrated murder using mind control technology by the main villain of the series Knight Hawk local Batman parody) using revolver with bullet made from the only material that could harm him.
1960 - In Adventure Comics 271 story "How Luthor met Superboy" written by Jerry Siegel Luthor for the first time ever gets iconic first name, Lex. Editorial and executive offices of National Comics were on 575 Lexington Avenue 22 in New York. For the first time Luthor was relatively same age as Clark-Superboy who had brown hair (instead of red hair like original Luthor in Action Comics 23) and became completely and permanently bald after chemicals spill, instead of how it was in Adventure Comics 253 by Dave Wood in which Luthor is shown as older and balding man, In 271 issue before accident in the lab that made him bald Lex Luthor was a devoted fan of Superboy with a room full of memorabilia of his favorite hero.
In Supermn #138 Superman's Black Magic story by Jerry Siegel Superman as Clark Kent dresses up as a Devil, Lois Lane as an Angel, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White as Superboy and Superman respectively and Bruce Wayne dressed up as Batman. Later on as Superman he uses his devil costume to scare criminals into thinking he really is a real one by cleverly using his super-powers. In Batman v Superman Lex Luthor's quote after he failed to get license on import of kryptonite from a senator was "devils (meaning Kryptonians, including Superman) don't come beneath us...they come from the sky" also in the same film Martha Kent tells her son Clark "be their angel, their monument...or none of it". The headquarters for DC Comics was located at 666 Fifth Avenue before it moved to 1700 Broadway by the 1990s .
1961 - Otto Binder and Mort Weisinger for the first time ever introduced Yellow Sun as a power source for all Kryptonians (from now on definitive and default name for the people of planet Krypton and race of Kal-El). For the first time , in Superman #146, another origin of Superman and first ever definitive origin for Earth-1 Superboy-Superman, Pa Kent is named Jonathan while Ma Kent is Martha (with her former last name being Clark) which will be their definitive names ever since. For the first time within comics it is stated that Kents made Superman's costume from blankets from Krypton, initially for Superbaby (aka The Babe of Steel), then for Superboy when Clark became teenager with Jonathan making S-shield symbol, which will stretch into Superman's suit eventually. First time when Superboy clearly is the same character as Superman. First time when Clark as Kal-El actually lived for some time on Krypton, and (as was later on revealed) even managed to battle some of his super-villains like Brainiac (a bald green skinned android shrinking cities around the galaxy which was inspired by 1944's story "Supermite!" featuring Luthor shrinking Metropolis buildings) . Jonathan on deathbed scene is recreated, but this time it is implied that Clark's impulsive reaction to his parents dying is what made Pa Kent to pass sooner than it would be if Clark was calm. A lot of stories since then was about how in control as Superman Clark Kent/Kal-El had to be. Now he knows that he is and self-identifies as a Kryptonian. Also humans can gain Superman like powers on the other planets as well like Jimmy Olsen in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #64, so not much of difference between humans and kryptonians at this point.
In Superman #149 , 3 issues after last origin reboot (similar to how Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice which featured death of its character came out 3 years after Man of Steel (film) which was origin reboot of cinematic Superman) first ever death of Superman story came out titled "The Death of Superman!" written by Jerry Siegel and Curt Swan (who will illustrate "real" death of Earth-1 Superman later on in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?) by the hands of Lex Luthor who used Superman's notion of good against him. In 1992 through 1993 came out a crossover storyline The Death of Superman! in which Superman died at the hands of Doomsday in a prolonged and brutal fight. In 2016 in Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeSuperman dies at the hands of Doomsday which was made by Lex Luthor who through entire film manipulated Superman using his notions of good.
In The Flash #123 Barry Alllen Flash (of Earth-1) traveling to another Earth and meets original Jay Garrick Flash (of Earth-2) who was comic books character of "Flash Comics" which Barry was reading when lightning hit him and granted him superspeed powers. Jay Garrick appeared to be living in a room 5252.
1963 - In Action Comics #314 imaginary story where in a simulation Kal-El's rocket lands on the planet Xann oribiting yellow sun, but with its people being comperative giants, later in life he makes costume similar to DC's Atom (because he is as tiny, except with all Superman powers) and is called Birdman by the people of this planet, similar to Harvey Birdman from Birdman and Galaxy Trio 1967 cartoon, who also had powers due to sun energizing his body, and in one of the episodes was tiny (compared to others) after being shrunk by villain Reducto, who greatly resembles Brainiac due to green skin, baldness and similar outfit as well as in general similar physicaly appearance as original Wayne Boring version.
1964 - In Superman #170 by Jerry Siegel called " If Lex Luthor Were Superman's Father! " in wich Lex Luthor almost successfully convinced Lora to marry him through lies and knowledge of the future such asstealing of Kandor by his ally in the future Brainiac. In that story Jor-El discovers anctient Kryptonian ruin underwater which temporarily gives him super-powers similar to those of yellow sun influence and allowed him not to drown or crushed by Kryptonian deep. This concept is similar to original and final Siegel's explanation for original Superman's powers as can be seen in The K-Metal From Planet Krypton , which was never officially published.
1975 - Rising (at that time) star Neal Adams and industry veteran Jerry Robinson (co-creator of Robin and Joker, above everything else) and lawyer Ed Priess helped Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to come with agreement with DC Comics. Later made a deal to pay both men pension until end of their lives.
1978 - Superman: The Movie release starring Christopher Reeve, as well as Kirk Alyn as Lois Lane's father (also in the comics of those years father of Lois Lane Sam Lane looked very similar to older Clark Kent). First time ever when S-shield comes from Krypton and stands for House of El (just like in Action Comics #850 , Superman: Secret Origin and Man of Steel (film) later on, in New 52 it was said that red cape with S emblem belonged to Jor-El's father) ,originally in revised per Marlon Brando demands script it was global symbol used by all Kryptonians (just like in Superman: Birthright). First time when Krypton's society including Jor-El and Lara were shown as rather emotionally distant (which will influence John Byrne version later on) and planet itself cold and all white due to dim red sun (which will influence Krypton (TV)) with population living under the domes and covers within planet's ground (undoubtly inspired by John Carter's books Martian society). In The Movie baby Kal-El is infant when he is places inside the rocket, but grows up up to the point of roughly 3 year old when his ship eventually lands on Earth and is found by the Kents (unlike original version where he landed as newborn or post-Silver Age when he lived on Krypton for some time and arrived as toddler baby). First time Superman is compared with Biblical characters (similarly to Rob Liefeld's Supreme, For Tomorrow and Man of Steel (film)) like Jesus Christ and Hebrew God. This is first ever Superman version that could undo death by traveling back in time, in the comics of this era either invisible wall would prevent Superman from changing something significant in the past or universe will just split in two parallel ones with one of them preserving original chain of events (interesting that Superman travels back in time in similar was but much larger in scale circling around which was first time presented by Jerry Siegel writing, as opposed to time travel by other writers where Superman would just sprint through straight line). Similarly to Adventures of Superman (TV) Jonathana (Pa) Kent dies from heart attack, but also similarly to deathbed promise difference between Superman #53 and Superman #146 it is implied that heart attack was partly Clark's fault (and unlike comics of this era Clark wasn't super smart or capable enough to bring back Jonathan's heart to normal), he also was never Superboy in this version as well. In the movie Lex Luthor owns real estate company Lex Luthor Incorporated inspiring "Lex Corp" in future 1986 comics continuity reboot.
1983 - Superman III was released, with Christopher Reeve reprising his role and with Robert Vaughn as antagonist Ross "Bubba" Webster a wealthy businessman with his own corporation. In the comics after Crisis on Infinite Earths in 1985 Lex Luthor will also have corporation of his own called LexCorp (Earth-1 Lex also had it in Superman #416 which was released After Crisis, but was still pre-Crisis Superman story written by Elliot S. Maggin) . Robert Vaugn is best known for playing Napoleon Solo in the original The Man from U.N.C.L.E. TV show, in 2015 remake a future Superman actor Henry Cavill will also play Napoleon Solo.
1986 - The Man of Steel (1986 mini-series) written by John Byrne gets released which completely reintroduced everything before. Now Krypton is technocratic society with all its people being artificially born in special birthing matrix (just like in The Matrix 1998 film as well as in Man of Steel (film)), all Kryptonians are encoded in their DNA with self-destruction if they will ever leave planet's orbit, Jor-El was able to bypass such programming for Kal-El (in original scrapped version by John Byrne Lara was meant to travel along with her son only to immedietally die upon the landing due to contact with Kryptonite). Kryptonite now is a plague-like disease that already killed many on the planet itself (similarly to plague from For The Man Who Has Everything) and also gives cancer to Humans. While Kal-El was conceived on Krypton his matrix finished contruction of his body when he landed in America, making him fully American citizen by US Consitution. All of his costume is now made from average materials from Earth with skintight base being protected by invisible bio-electric aura, unlike previous versions where simple clothe costume would tear up pretty quickly. For the first time Clark's powers weren't manifested instantly after his vessel landed like in previous versions, but gradually when he lived on Earth for some time, starting with 8 years old (later writers will move it to teen period, up until 18, which was also reflected in Elseworlds stories such as Red Son when his super power suprehearing started when he was 14).
1992 - Joseph "Joe" Shuster died in July 30 at the age of 78. In December first issue from crossover storyline The Death of Superman came out.
1996 - Jerome "Jerry" Siegel died in January 28, 1996 at that age of 81. First episode of Superman: The Animated Series came out in September 6.